COLUNISTAS / Outros papos

Modern Love- Why People get married


Modern passion

For centuries, marital partnership was a cultural establishment based on money, strength and family associations. Then came the Enlightenment perfect of marrying for love, and with it a new set of aspirations https://new-european-bauhaus.europa.eu/index_en. Couples hoped to find a partner who could provide all of their physical and emotional requirements. They wanted babies, a shared family and a lifetime of pleasure jointly. These brand-new objectives, however, frequently led to crisis. According to study conducted by anthropologist Gabrielle Zevin ’85, people who have less education and more difficult economic prospects are much more likely to marriage, enter romantic relationships, and experience accidental pregnancy.

Some professionals believe that these styles point to a “marriage crises.” Some people think that this is only the most recent stage in a longer progression of how we view passionate relationships.

More and more people are thinking about associations differentially than ever before, whether they’re looking for Tinder dates or long-term partners. These are just some of the latest additions to modern adore: hooking up with a everyday friendship, dating for gender and perhaps more, living along before getting married, and using cellphones to text constantly.

Despite the changes, many people still want to get married. They still value marital legal advantages, such as the ability to file jointly for tax breaks and access to health insurance. And they continue to insist on how crucial romantic love is. In these stories, a wheelchair-using teenager develops an unlikely romance with the man hired to look after her young half brother, a woman finds a life partner at a bar https://married-dating.org/, and more.

COLUNISTAS / Mafu Vieira

Valdemir Vieira, popularmente conhecido como Mafu, é formado em Enfermagem e Obstetrícia pela Unitau, pós-graduado em Terapia Intensiva e mestre em Enfermagem Psiquiátrica pela Escola de Enfermagem da USP, com trabalhos apresentados no Brasil e exterior, além de responsável técnico de Enfermagem do Caps (Centro de Atenção Psicossocial) – Lorena. Professor convidado nos cursos de pós-graduação da Fatea e outras universidades das cidades vizinhas, palestrante dos assuntos de políticas públicas e motivacionais, Mafu também é formado em Professional and Self Coaching, potencializando as lideranças profissionais em diversas empresas e em áreas distintas. Lorenense nato e ex-vereador, está sempre envolvido e atento aos assuntos da cidade e vem, com a mesma performance de colunista que foi do Jornal Guaypacaré, diretamente para a coluna, de mesmo nome, no Portal “O Lorenense”. Com ele, são “Outros Papos”…
